On the 4th of June, the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies passed a bill that prohibits the laboratory testing on animals for the development of cosmetics.

Dep. Ricardo Izar with HSI’s Antoniana Ottoni
The text is the product of a compromise between Deputado Ricardo Izar, president of the Parliamentary Front in Defence of Animals, and the Government. While it prohibits animal testing of most cosmetic ingredients and finished products, it doesn’t include “ingredients with unknown effects”. However, it was also agreed that internationally approved alternative methods to animal testing could be used without requiring validation in Brazil. Furthermore, the ban does not prohibit the sale of newly animal-tested cosmetics, meaning companies will still be able to test their cosmetics on animals abroad and sell them in Brazil.
“As it is currently worded there are some unfortunate loopholes in the Bill that must be closed. Our experts are working with the Senate and all parties involved to help improve Brazil’s Bill and bring it closer to what Brazilians want to see: a completely cruelty-free cosmetics future for Brazil,” said Be Cruelty-Free Brazil’s Antoniana Ottoni.
The proposed law (PL 6602/2013) will be transmitted to the Senate and will eventually have to be approved by President Dilma Rousseff.
More information at: BrazilBeautyNews.com