Christian Baravaglio
So far, Texen has eight manufacturing sites in the world and 895 employees. The company has 170 injection, bi-injection and blow-moulding machines, 200 finishing machines and more than 50 dedicated robotized production lines. The assets gives to this specialist of plastic packaging a manufacturing capacity of more than 28 million make-up boxes, 16 million lipstick tubes, and 32 million jars every year. With a turnover of 125.5 million euros in 2007 and an operating result of 13,3 million euros, this French company blonging to PSB Industries, headquartered in Annecy, is a never-ending success story. In Mexico, for instance, the manufacturing unit CEICA Plasticos de Mexico more than doubled its sized since the opening. This factory produced last year more than 7.5 million of pieces of mascaras (to be compared with the 100 million pieces produced in France by the Mayet unit).
Last huge investment to date, the installation in the CCM unit in France of a natural filter equipment intended to dramatically reduced the company’s volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions, making it in line with the most stringent environmental standards.
Jean-Yves Bourgeois