Vincent Gallon - Managing Editor, Premium Beauty News
Ten years after its official launch in September 2008, Premium Beauty News has become one of the world’s authoritative media serving the cosmetics industry. Brand owners, suppliers, retailers and consultants find in our articles, topical news, often exclusive, that help them both fuel their vision of beauty and develop their strategies.
This anniversary is, of course, an opportunity for us to look back on the gone through road.
Born out of the inspiration of three partners - Jean-Yves Bourgeois, a renowned journalist in the packaging business, Sandra Maguarian, specialized in the organization of trade shows, and Vincent Gallon, specialized in information monitoring for the cosmetics industry - Premium Beauty News supported the launch, a year later, of the MakeUp in Paris trade show. Very quickly the success was the one expected with several thousand subscribers receiving our newsletter every week.
But success also has its constraints. In 2012, it became clear that the Premium Beauty News website and the MakeUp in Paris and MakeUp in NewYork events had to pursue their development separately. A new company was created to manage the development of the site independently. Hence, MakeUp trade shows kept gaining momentum by multiplying around the world, while Premium Beauty News continued to grow and expand its global presence with the launch in 2014 of Brazil Beauty News.
Now, more than 43,000 subscribers receive the Premium Beauty News newsletter each week, in English or French, and nearly 6,000 people receive the Brazil Beauty News Portuguese newsletter. And these figures continue to grow from one month to the other!
To celebrate these ten years, we offer you this special issue concocted in the height of summer. Our first bi-media issue: both digital and printed! The opportunity for us to take a quick retrospective look, but most of all, true to our editorial line, to try to better understand the developments of the market and to turn our eyes to the immediate and more distant future, giving voice to the best experts in the field!
Of course, this great adventure would not have been possible without the support of advertisers – many of them offering us their unwavering support since the beginning –, without the loyalty of readers and without the work of all the people who have contributed in keeping the website up and going daily: journalists, experts, translators, and of course our top Advertising Manager! We would like to thank them all warmly and assure them that the months and years to come will continue to be rich in new developments, new projects and, of course, breaking news!